Lets get lost - Travel stokvel
Your personal travel savings account
The hardest part about travelling - as much you want to, IS SAVING FOR IT!!
From determining your budget, to setting a goal and actually saving up; the idea of travelling can still be daunting task to tick of your bucketlist.
We launched the LETS GET LOST TRAVEL STOKVEL, allowing you to savefunds in your own travel account with us.
The word STOKVEL is popular in many households, however the LETS GET LOST travel stokvel takes the form of your own personal travel savings account.
Read some of the benefits below as well as the fact sheet and see how we can make travelling easier and affordable for you!
Sign up by printing, completing and frwarding the application form toaccounts@letsgetlost.co.za
Enjoy a travel discount of 5% on all our packages and get access to exclusive travel discounts from our accomodaion partners
Free LETS GET LOST travel passport, where you collect points everytime you travel with us
Cancel your booking at anyt time without forfeiting your money (except the non-refundable deposit)
Monthly prizes up for grabs including a chance to win an annual GRAND PRIZE
How much does it cost?
A once of activation fee of R500 is applicable to any new applications, followed by a compulsory monthly minimum payment of R100.
Can I pay more than R100 per month?
U can deposit as much as you can afford per month to keep your account active.
When do I start qualifying for benefits?
Once the activation fee and first monthly contribution is received. You are eligible for benefits as long as your travel wallet balance is at least R500 and you pay your monthly contributions.
Are there any fees applicable other than the activation fee and monthly contributions?
The travel stokvel account is completely free, a cancellation fee of R300 is applicable should you wish to withdraw funds for reasons other than a travel package with let’s get lost.
When is payment due?
Money should reflect in our bank account by the 5th of every month
When do I receive my statement?
Statements are sent by the 12th of every month
Is my money safe?
All funds are kept in a business savings pocket with our banker - first national bank
Is my money interest bearing?
We do not offer interest due to legal implications but provide exclusive club discounts
How do i book a holiday as a travel stokvel member?
Once you have identified a travel package, you can book by e-mailing bookings@letsgetlost.co.za all funds in your travel stokvel wallet will be transferred to your booking.
What happens if a cancel my holiday?
Our cancelation policy applies but as a travel stokvel member you will only forfeit the non-refundable deposit; all other funds will automatically be retained in your travel stokvel wallet for future use.
What happens if I no longer want to be part of the travel stokvel?
Notify let’s get lost in writing. A R300 cancellation fee will be levied and all funds will be refunded to you within 30 days.
What happened if I miss a payment?
You will not be eligible for benefits
Can i use my travel discount as a travel stokvel member in conjunction with other travel discounts?
No, any other travel discounts we may offer, supersedes your 5% travel stokvel discount.